
Surveillance is an investigative tool utilized in civil or criminal investigations to document and record the activities of an individual or group.

SECO has a cadre of investigators with vast law enforcement experience in surveillance investigations. This experience is invaluable in conducting investigations that answer questions in domestic, criminal, civil, insurance or stalking cases. While a member of the Los Angeles Police Department, SECO President Jim Vuchsas supervised surveillance operations for 15 years and personally supervises all SECO surveillance teams.

The observations of our investigators are documented in three ways:

1. Providing the client with a written log of the surveillance.

2. Videotape recording of the surveillance.

3. Still photographs of the surveillance.

The key to a successful surveillance is the non-detection of the investigators by the subject of the surveillance. In SECO’s long history, we have successfully monitored the activities of many persons suspected of work comp fraud, stalking, theft of intellectual proprietary information, marriage infidelity and dishonest employees without detection.

SECO Investigators have been very successful in testifying at administrative and court hearings as experts in their surveillance observations. This testimony has resulted in the savings of thousands of dollars to our clients.

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